I Wish I Had This When I Was A Kid

When I was studying from a mail-order guitar course a long time ago, I'd literally wait by my mail-box until a new lesson or just as important - a new newsletter showed up. The newsletters were often full of motivational stuff. I'd eat the stuff up.

One Spring a newsletter showed up with a headline that a heavy metal camp has arrived - it promised hanging out with Ozzy, mud wresting Lita Ford and jamming with Angus Young. I could not believe. Well, by the time I finished reading the article - there was no metal camp. The lesson was that if you thought hanging out at a beach and buddies was your idea of fun, then maybe "hanging out" was not the way for success.

No argument there.

But ..... what if there WAS a Heavy Metal Camp!

Just as important - wouldn't hanging out with your friends who share the same interests as you inspire you to become even better then you are today? Can a supportive environment "that gets it" bring out the best player in you?

I thought so.

From that point on - I have always thought that one day, I will do my very own metal camp where you can just immerse yourself in all things metal while you stay motivated by others who can lead the way through their experiences.

THIS metal camp, chiseled out in my mind through the years - is TODAY, or rather this August. It is called Metal Heroes Summer Camp.

I'm excited about this. Metal Heroes is happening August 25-29th in Big Indian, NY - an hour West of Woodstock, NY in a beautiful resort like facility with gourmet food and get this - plenty of Metal. Check it out!

Website is HERE.


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