Why Great Attitude Is The New Black

Hey Metal-heads,

I want to take a brief moment and talk about something that is truly important to your journey as a musician. That is the attitude you apply to a task or a situation.

As some of you might be aware, I recently took part in the Axes & Anchors Cruise that sailed from Miami, FL to the Bahamas. It was a star studded event that featured some amazing music acts and guitar players. Anyone and everyone was there and while it would take a long time to mention everyone, let's just say some of the greatest musicians in rock and metal took part in this.

I did individual guitar workshops as well as played with the Randy Rhoads Remembered show that also featured Rudy Sarzo, Brian Tichy, Johny Kelly, Bumblefoot, Jeff Watson, Alex Scolnick and other awesome players.

Here is what I noticed: Althought it was not an easy situation to navigate though because of rented gear, set list changes and more - everyone, and I mean everyone tackled the task with a killer attitude. This meant no egos. All of the players were focused on getting the job done, having fun, getting their performance in and coming out in the end as winners.

Why am I mentioning this? Well, I teach a lot of students who are starting to perform at bars, clubs and I hear about the negative attitudes that are prevalent in other musicians at that level. So, remember that you should continue with a great attitude because at the top - positivity is what rules the game. Strive for that.

Metal For Life,

Metal Mike

PS. My good friend CJ from Metal Motivation does an amazing job at keeping things simple and motivational. He reallty is Tony Robbins that met Metallica. Check him out HERE. I can not recommend CJ's stuff enough. I use it myself. His Facebook page is HERE. If you "Like it" - tell CJ Metal Mike sent you.

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